Assessment of Hematological Profile and Oxidative Stress Status in Sodium Fluoride Induced Anemia and Kidney Disorder in Rats
NaF, Oxidative stress, Anemia, Hemogram, Kidney, SpleenAbstract
The aim of this study was to evaluate the hematological profile and oxidative stress status in spleen and kidney tissues in rats exposed to fluoride. Twelve healthy adult male Wistar rats were randomly divided into 2 groups (n=6); the first group used as a control group. The second group exposed to fluoride as fluoride sodium (NaF) in drinking water (400 ppm) for 60 days.On which we measured some hematological, biochemical and oxidative stress parameters. Our findings revealed that in comparison with the control rats, fluoride exposure caused, a signifi-cant reduction (p<0.001) in the body weight and a significant rise (p<0.05) in relative spleen and kidney weight. In addition, Result showed that in fluoride intoxicated rats, a significant alteration in blood component, a significant (p<0.01) in-crease in serum Creatinin, urea, K+, Ca+2 and a significant reduction (p<0.01) in Na+ and Cl-lev-els as compared to control. Results revealed also that sodium fluoride treatment in rats affect-ed antioxidant defense system by decreasing GSH and CAT levels while MDA and SOD levels were significantly increased (p<0.05). Histopa-thological analysis showed that NaF induced a high structural alteration in kidney compared to control. Results demonstrated the toxic effect of sodium fluoride in drinking water by causing anemia, hemato-toxicity and oxidative stress in spleen and kidney tissues.