Evaluation of Fungal Endophytes from Terminalia sp. for Extracellular Enzymes, Antioxidant, and Bioactive Metabolites
Bioactive, Endophytes, Enzymatic activity, Fungi, Phytochemical, TerminaliaAbstract
compounds active against plant pathogens under in vitro conditions, the present study was carried out in which enzymatic, and metabolic properties of fungal endophytes isolated from four Terminalia sp. were evaluated. A qualitative phytochemical analysis was performed to detect alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, saponins, phenols, steroids, and glycosides. Screening of test fungi for bioactive metabolite, and its methanolic extract against three pathogens exhibited raised metabolic response of test fungi. The bioactive potential of fungi has been presented in terms of growth reduction (%) of pathogenic fungi, calculated based on morphological growth on solid plate culture. The findings reveal information on the biological activities of fungal endophytes isolated from Terminalia spp.. The in vitro analysis of methanolic extracts of endophytic fungi leads us to infer its promising antifungal capabilities against phytopathogens, and it is obvious that the aforementioned fungus produce a variety of bioactive chemicals with potential enzymatic and antioxidant activity. Overall, the study reveals that segregated fungal endophytes have enormous potential for various extracellular enzymatic properties, use in the development of new antifungal drugs, and as a therapeutic model in the agricultural and pharmaceutical industries. However, more study is needed to uncover and understand bioactive components that have a variety of biological functions and might be used for human and environmental benefits.